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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:24  新浪教育



  by Jane Scherer

  Herakles, Alexander, Socrates, and Helen are ancient names that bring to mind images of Greek heroes and legends. These names trace their origins to the beginning of Greek culture and are still used today. Names are very important to Greeks, and celebrating a Name Day is a special part of Greek life. Instead of birthdays, most Greeks celebrate the day dedicated to the saint whose name they bear. For example
, a baby born on March 5 is named Daniel; his Name Day would be December 17 because that is the feast day of his patron, St. Daniel. A girl who is named Mina might be born on August 12, but her Name Day is November 11.

  When the Greeks embraced Christianity, they gave a saint's name to every day of the year. Today, 98 percent of Greeks belong to the Greek Orthodox Church, and religion is woven into their everyday lives. Villagers will ask a priest to bless their land before they plant their crops. In the cities, a special service is held before construction begins on a new building, and all Greek ships in the vast shipping empire carry a picture of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors, somewhere on board.

  In the early days of Christianity in Greece, Name Days were observed as Saint's Days. Later, they became individual Name Days, which were more important than a person's actual day of birth. Small children up to the age of 12 may still celebrate their birthdays with parties and gifts, but this is regarded more as a Western custom.

  Choosing a child's name is an important event in Greece. It is a blend of tradition and religion. The first boy born into a family will be named after his father's father. The first girl will be named for her father's mother. A second son will bear the name of his mother's father, and a second daughter the mother's mother. Any children after that will carry the names of uncles and aunts who have died or who cannot have children.

  In Greek shops, calendars are sold with lists of names for every month of the year so that family and friends can quickly find a child's Name Day. Usually it falls on the same date each year. Although we may send humorous greeting cards, Greek cards feature beautifully colored paintings of the saints along with inspiring messages. It is considered polite to remember friends' Name Days by calling or sending greetings.

  A friend celebrating a Name Day will tell you,Giortazo simera , which means, I'm celebrating today. The traditional reply is, Chronia polla , which means “Many years,” or “Many happy returns.”

  An adult who is celebrating will give a party and invite friends and acquaintances alike to share refreshments such as coffee and cake. Guests invited to a Name Day celebration usually bring small gifts of sweets or flowers. In the workplace, a person might take the day off or bring treats to his or her boss and coworkers.

  For children, celebrations may be more elaborate. Family and friends bring gifts. The traditional gift for Name Day is shoes. Even today, godparents will often give shoes to their godchild on this occasion. In the past, children were happy to receive new shoes because that was the only pair they would get each year.

  In small villages, a special church service is held for all those celebrating their Name Days together. For example, all boys and men named George, after St. George, will be honored on the same day. Church bells will ring out to let neighboring villagers know a festival is being held.

  Every town and community also has a patron saint. For example, St. Dimitrios is the patron saint of the town of Thessaloniki. On its Name Day, the entire community will have parades, and traditional costumes will be worn. Afterwards prayers will be offered to the saint, special foods will be served, and music and dancing will take place.










  每个镇和社区都有一个圣徒保护神。例如,萨洛尼卡城的保护神是St. Dimitrios。在St. Dimitrios圣徒日这一天,社区要举行游行,穿传统服装。然后人们向圣徒祈祷获得圣餐,还有音乐和舞会。

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