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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:24  新浪教育

  DELPHI: The Sacred Way


  by Stephanie Prescott

  Long before all roads led to Rome, Delphi was the center of the world. Zeus himself ordained it. One day from high on Mount Olympus, the king of Greek gods let fly two eagles one from the west and one from the east. Where they met he would declare the omphalos, or navel, of the world. They met at Delphi, a wild and beautiful site at the foot of Mount Parnassus in central Greece. Ringed by rocky
cliffs, cut by chasms, and watered by springs, Delphi became the eighth-century B.C. home to the cult of Apollo, the most respected oracle in the ancient world.

  Men came from near and far to seek the oracle's wise advice. Writing their questions on lead tablets, rulers asked if they should wage war on their enemies; farmers asked advice on crops; brothers came to settle feuds. A priestess, called the Pithiness, usually a respected older woman, went into a trance to communicate with the gods. Her wisdom was wrapped in riddles that were interpreted by her priests and relayed to the waiting pilgrims.

  Petitioners had to make offerings, of course. And if the oracle was right, the grateful sent even more gifts. Thus, Delphi became enriched with the wealth of many nations. Treasuries, statues-even a gold-leafed palm tree-lined the Sacred Way, which pilgrims followed to the gleaming Temple of Apollo where the oracle awaited them.

  But Delphi's golden age was not eternal. When the Christian emperor Theodosus banned the worship of Olympic gods in A.D. 385, the oracle was also banned. Gradually Delphi's treasures returned to the earth, victims of war, landslides, and the dust of time. In the Middle Ages, the small settlement of Kastri arose on the site, and olive groves stood where once marble statues lined the Sacred Way.

  Except for the Byzantine Eastern Empire, much of ancient Greece was mostly forgotten until the European Renaissance. Then, thanks to the art and artifacts that the Romans copied-or stole-from their Greek subjects, Europeans became interested in this ancient civilization. They visited Athens, they read Homer, and they saw-protruding from the ground where it had lain buried for centuries-the rubble of ancient Greece. (In some cases, they even carried treasures home with them, where they remain today, in museums and private collections.)

  The French became especially intrigued with the Delphi entombed beneath the village of Kastri. In the 1840s, they began preliminary fieldwork there, but realized that for the work to proceed, Kastri would have to be relocated. The French government agreed to help pay for this move. Understandably, the 19th century villagers of Kastri were not all in favor of this upheaval. However, since the early 20th century, when most of the excavation of Delphi was carried out, the village has prospered from tourism.

  If you visit Delphi today, you will have to use your imagination, or a guidebook, to reconstruct the ancient site. Except for the Athenian Treasury and some sections of the Temple of Apollo, most of the stones of Delphi lie as they fell. Safely housed in the nearby museum are the wonderful works of art, some wholly preserved, that the French excavations uncovered.

  Although the temples have fallen, the rocky crags of Parnassus still tower over Delphi, and cascading waters still rush to the sea. Amidst these oldest of nature's shrines, Delphi may still seem the center of the world.






  法国人积极筹划让埋在卡斯托里村庄下面的德尔斐城重见天日。19世纪40年代,他们开始了初步的野外工作。随着工作的进展,他们发现卡斯托里村必须迁移。法国政府同意帮助负担搬家费用。可以理解的是, 19世纪的卡斯托里村不赞成这项大举动。然而自20世纪初以来,随着大部分德尔斐遗址被挖掘,这个村庄已经因旅游业而繁荣。



  A chasm is a deep opening in the Earth’s surface,or a gorge.

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