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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:24  新浪教育

  It’s Greek to Me


  by Karen E. Hong

  “It's Greek to me,”is often said when something is beyond one's understanding or especially difficult. But nothing could be further from the truth. The Greek alphabet and language look and sound exotic and comp-licated, but they shaped the vocabulary of Western languages, including English.

  When early people began to write, they drew pictures that represented what they were writing about. In abo
ut 2000 B.C., early Greeks known as Minoans developed a system of picture or hieroglyphic, writing. They used this system to keep accurate records of goods they stored and exported. Their picture writing spread from the island of Crete to mainland Greece.

  By 1100 B.C., the Greek world was crumbling. As the Greeks abandoned their cities, they forgot about writing. Greece entered a period known as the Dark Ages. No written records survive from this time and foreign records mention little about the Greeks. But gradually the Greeks prospered and the population grew. They began to trade with the Phoenicians, who lived in present-day Syria.

  The Phoenicians developed the first modern alphabet about 3,000 years ago. An alphabet is an ordered system of symbols called letters. Each letter represents a specific sound. Because human speech uses about 35 different sounds, alphabets need no more than 35 letters. Combining letters creates a word. The Phoenician alphabet used 22 letters, all consonants.

  The Greeks learned the Phoenician alphabet by trading with them. Then Greeks added vowels to the Phoenician alphabet. Vowels represent the breathing between sounds. The English vowels a, e, i, o, and u grew out of the Greek letters alpha (a), epsilon (short e), eta (long e), iota (i), omicron (o), upsilon (u), and omega (long o). Greek became the first alphabet with symbols for both vowels and consonants.

  At first, Greek was written from right to left, like the Phoenician alphabet. Later Greek was written in a back and forth style: A line written right to left was followed by a line written left to right. Finally, the writing style shifted again, to left to right, which is how it is still written today.

  Although people spoke Greek differently depending on where they lived, the language of Athens, known as Attic, came to be the standard and the language of the great literature of ancient Greece. Attic became the basis for Koine (KOYN), the common language of the people. When Alexander the Great swept through the Middle East in the fourth century B.C., Koine became the common language of his world. Centuries later, the New Testament of the Bible was written in Koine.

  As the centuries passed, Greece became part of the Roman Empire. Although Koine was still spoke by the common people, learned writers turned to an older form of Attic. In the sixth century, classical Greek replaced Latin as the official language of the Byzantine Empire.

  Modern Greek uses the same alphabet as classical Greek. In 1832, when Greece was recognized as an independent nation, the question of a national language arose. Katharevousa, a compromise between Byzantine and spoken Greek, became the official language from 1834 until 1976. Although Katharevousa is still used in official documents, Demotic Greek, the language used in speech and literature, became the official language of Greece in 1976.

  Today about ten million people speak Greek. Greek words spread from the New Testament and other texts to Latin, German, and English. Greek provides the vocabulary for many arts and sciences. Many English prefixes and suffixes come from Greek. For example, the prefix "psycho-", as in psychology, means "the mind" or "mental activity". The suffix" phone", as in telephone, means "sound". With so much Greek in our language, we are right when we say, "It's Greek to me."





  希腊人通过和腓尼基人的贸易学会了腓尼基字母。然后,希腊人把元音加到腓尼基字母中。元音代表语音之间的呼吸停顿。英语中的元音a, e, i, o 和u就来自于希腊字母的α,ε,η,ι,ο,υ和ω。希腊语首先有了含有元音和辅音的字母。






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