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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/16 18:43  新浪教育






  Career Opportunities at ExxonMobil

  1.Company Information

  Name of Organization:ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

  Address:17/F, Metro Tower, 30 Tian Yao Qiao Road,

  Shanghai, PRC, 200030

  Nature of Business:Energy, Petroleum and Petrochemical

  Mother Company:Exxon Mobil Corporation, USA

  Number of Employees:PRC/HK: 1200+

  Company Web site:http://www.exxonmobil.com

  2.Application Method

  Closing Date:November 21, 2004

  Apply to:career.prc@exxonmobil.com

  Attention:Human Resources Shared Services

  Documents required:Campus Application Form & Questionnaire

  Supplementary Documents: (not a must but can be helpful for your application)

  Recent Photo & University's Recommendation

  Exam Results (can be scanned and sent as attachment)

  Any Special Certificate related to your application

  Important Notice:

  ·Only Completed Application Form (including Questionnaire) will be accepted. Information like GPA, ECAs and Questionnaire will help us find YOU quickly.

  ·Please indicate the Job-code in the subject of the email for our easy sorting, for instance, "Apply for: Campus-SR-GZ"

  3.Contact Information

  Please forward your questions to the Career Center of your university, who will help to consolidate all the questions and replies.

  Please note phone calls and visit will not be accepted in order to help us focus on your application.

  4.Positions Offered

  ExxonMobil campus recruitment is targeted towards recruiting talented graduating students into the company. Specific working knowledge in the global petroleum and petrochemical business is not required. However, the new recruits are expected to learn quickly in on-the-job assignments and be reasonably conversant in the key elements of operational success in increasingly competitive global business environments at the end of typical 1 year assimilation period. Rotation among these and other positions and with other Business Units are possible consistent with business needs.

  The students we seek should have most of the following attributes: high integrity; effective leadership; maturity and interpersonal skills; personal responsibility and commitment; tenacity; judgement; teamwork; English language capability and mobility.


  (2 Openings in Shanghai)

  (Job Code: Campus-Controllers-SH)

  The Controller's Department is recruiting a number of high-caliber graduates for the newly established ExxonMobil Business Support Center in Shanghai (SHBSC). The Center provides supporting services to over 40 ExxonMobil affiliates across a number of key businesses under the ExxonMobil group in the Asia Pacific region.

  The successful candidates will be joining either team of Financial Accounting Process or General Accounting Process and handle one or more of the following accounting activities for various EM client affiliates in HK / PRC / Taiwan.

  All the positions require Degree in Accounting, Finance or other related disciplines. Entry positions and their typical assignments are:

  Financial Accounting and Reporting

  Handle books of accounts of ExxonMobil affiliates supported by the Center

  Ensure the integrity of the general ledgers and compliance with ExxonMobil standards and US GAAP

  Prepare financial reports to meet local as well as US reporting requirements

  Inventory valuation for petroleum and chemical products

  General Accounting

  Handle fixed assets, inter-company and bank accounting processes for ExxonMobil affiliates

  Provide essential accounting support to other business lines and service functions

  Prepare management and other reports for internal and external reporting purposes

  Control advisory & process improvement

  Advise and train up business lines and service functions on "Best Practice" processes through effective control policies and practices

  Assist in the continuous process improvement initiatives for financial and general accounting processes

  II.Chemicals Sales Assistant

  (2 openings in Shanghai, Job Code: Campus-SR-SH)

  (1 opening in Guangzhou, Job Code: Campus-SR-GZ)

  Maintain customer data in the system

  Demand forecasting and supply coordination

  Sales order status tracking and reporting

  On-shore inventory management

  Trade Account Receivables (TAR) reporting and management

  Collect and report market information

  Perform market studies and business analysis

  Provide office-based support to sales manager/sales representatives/customers

  Function as an office based sales representative

  III.Chemicals Customer Service Representative

  (2 openings in Shanghai, Job Code: Campus-CSR-SH)

  Provide customer services support for trading activities of chemical products to ensure that orders are handled and executed efficiently and promptly

  Be the single focal point for customers in respect of sales orders

  Responsible for receiving sales orders from customers and follow-up work

  Responsible for Goods Received / Goods Issued transactions and prepare shipping documents

  Handles payment collection, monitors receivables on prepayment and documentary credit customers and orders.

  IV.Fuel Marketing Sales Trainee

  (2 openings in Hong Kong, mainly for HK new graduates)

  (Job Code: Campus-ST-HK)

  In all these positions, the incumbent is expected to analyze the pros and cons of multiple scenarios, communicate clear findings (written or verbal) to business management and assist in making optimal decisions for future business decisions. All these positions require excellent academic records, good command of spoken and written English. Incumbent shall be a team player, self-motivated and willing to learn.

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