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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/01 18:33  新浪教育




  Speech by president of China Renmin University Press

  China Renmin University Press was founded in 1955. As a university press enjoying a high prestige in China, it is not only among the earliest of its kind established after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also a publishing center of college textbooks designated by the Ministry of Education. It publishes over 600 kinds of new books every year, covering high-level academic compositions, periodicals, video products and textbooks for entrance examination, certificate education, adult education, training, graduate and postgraduate education, modern remote education and so on.

  Publishing elaborate academic works and textbooks, cultivating talents in arts and social sciences" has always been the goal pursued by China Renmin University Press. The Press has published a large quantity of excellent books that are valuable to cultural accumulation and dissemination, winning a high reputation both home and abroad. The textbooks published by this Press have been widely used at all kinds of schools in China, many of which have been reprinted for several times with a circulation ranging from 100 thousand to several million copies, and some even have exceeded ten million copies.

  It is a principle of this Press to absorb foreign achievements with an open view and to promote exchanges and cooperation with foreign counterparts. Collected Works of Aristotle (10 Volumes), which won the highest National Prize for Best Publications, represents its ability in publishing foreign academic works. The publication of two large series of translated works, namely the Translated Works of Economic Science and the Translated Business Administration Classics, which reflect the latest achievements in western economics and business administration, has exerted a very strong social impact in China. In the past decade, the Press has imported and exported the copyrights of hundreds of books and maintained long-term close business relations with overseas presses and companies.

  With a seven-fold increase of its sales, China Renmin University Press has witnessed a fast, sound and sustainable development in the past few years, winning spectacular profit and admiration from all quarters. At the beginning of a new century, the Press has been engaged in implementing its trans-century development strategy. By sticking to maintaining its own characteristics and taking advantage of rich experience in publishing books of humanities, politics and law, finance and banking, foreign languages and education, the Press is dedicated to developing itself into a first-class publishing group containing several specialized publishing houses that are capable of publishing books, periodicals, audio-visual materials and electronic publications on a large scale and playing a role in the international market.

  China Renmin University Press sincerely hopes to carry out extensive business cooperation with other presses both home and abroad and will persevere in its efforts to present more and better publications to all readers.

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