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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/14 16:18  恩波教育







  Part A


  May I protest the avalanche(雪崩;大量) of familycomedy programs you have been showing in the evenings during the past two months.

  I counted twentythree last week alone.

  Your station has a responsibility to serve all members of the community, and certainly there are not many who can digest this tiring repetition night after night.

  As the controller of the Ace Company, I am in frequent contact with leading Centerville businessmen. In private conversations, many of them have expressed feelings similar to mine.

  We look to you for more diverse programming. If it is not forthcoming, some of us will simply turn to other stations. Others will protest to the Federal Communications Committee when your license is due for renewal.

  Will you please give us fare(食物)that is worthy of our intelligence?


                                                          Li Ming

  Part B

  The past few years have witnessed a growing surge of interest in buying lottery tickets, especially in large cities. It may even be said that people are going crazy about it. As can be seen from the chart, 70 percent of those polled in a large scale survey, held in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, claimed to have dreamed of winning a fortune of 5 million yuan. Roughly 80 percent of those polled in Guangzhou had had such a dream, while the number in Shanghai and Beijing accounted for 60 percent respectively.

  The explanation for the phenomenon involves several complicated factors. First of all, more and more people regard personal wealth as a positive thing, which is also encouraged in our government’s policy. People no longer hesitate whenever they are offered the chance to become wealthy. In addition, as the market economy and the living standards of the people improve in China, people find themselves in greater need of money to handle all sorts of expenses. As the survey shows, should they win a big lottery, 81.3% of people would buy a new house, 61.9% would buy a car, and 617% would save the money for their kids’ education. And a great proportion of people say they would put the money in the bank or use it for investment or touring. These considerations all contribute a great deal to the craze about the lottery.

  In my opinion, the desire for money is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Actually, it may serve as a motivation for many people to work hard and thus to contribute to the national progress. And I am confident that, as more and more people become wealthy, life for Chinese people will be happier and more enjoyable.


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