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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/10 17:33  华夏大地自考版

  II. 41. A . The Faerie Queene ; Edmund Spenser

  B. Power , Prowess

  C . Now , “Farce Warres and faithfull loves

  All the events are told in a romantic fantastic way in order to arouse wonder.

  42. A. Walt Whitman

  B. It reminds its reader of a picture of a scene of the American Civil War.

  C. All the movements described in this picture are frozen .

  While sounds are depicted , it’s more likely that they come out of the watcher’s imagination , rathe
r than from the picture itself.

  43. A. Alfred Tennyson’s Break , Break , Break.

  B. The sea is throwing its waves violently against the cold grey stones on the bank. I wish that I could just express my sorrow for my dead friend like the surging sea.

  C. The beauty of the lyric is to be found in the musical language and in the association of sound images with feelings and emotions .

  44. A. In a Station of the Metro, Ezra Pound.

  B. Here “ petals” stands for “human faces” .

  C. The two lines compare human faces to petals on a wet , black bough. This way of making poetry comes from Chinese poetics.

  III. 45. A. He is primarily thinking about death.

  B. Because if dying is like going to sleep, he may perhaps have dreams, sometimes even bad dreams. That is still a problem.

  46. A. “ A spear of summer grass” is an image that run through the whole poem. A spear of summer grass just means a leaf of grass, because a grass leaf looks like a spear.

  B. The author emphasizes summer grass, because grass grows well in summer. So it stands for life and power.

  47. A. Burdens or pressures of life .

  B. Moral and cultural conventions picked up buy individuals in life .

  C. Lessons learned from life experience .

  D. Sufferings and misfortunes in one’s life .

  48. A. Situational irony occurs when what happens turns out to be quite the different from what is expected. Sometimes what happens is just the opposite of what is expected.

  B. In “Indian Camp” there are several instances of situational irony. That is, there are several instances of discrepancy between expectation and fulfillment.

  C. In the first instance, it is the Indian wife , not the husband, who suffers excruciating physical pain, yet it is the husband, nit the wife, who commits suicide.

  In the second instance , Nick’s father brings Nick to the Indian camp so that Nick can watch the birth of a child, but Nick is far more interested in the death of a man.

  In the third instance, Nick watches a man die, but afterwards Nick feels quite sure that he himself will live forever

  D. One of the functions of irony of situation on “Indian Camp” is to suggest the mystery and unpredictability of life.

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