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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/16 13:50  华夏大地教育网

  I. Vocabulary and structure (10 points, 1 point for each )

  1. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than _____ the meaning of every word.

  A. know B. knew C. to know D. knowing

  2. The Atlantic Ocean is more than 4,000 miles (6,000 km) wide _____ Columbus crossed it .

  A. where B. when C. that D. which

  3. It is by this instinct _____ birds build their nests and beavers their dams and huts.

  A. how B. why C. what
D. that

  4. Some families have long histories, _____ others know very little about their ancestors.

  A. while B. although C. therefore D. so

  5. Only when you go through the mental exercises to come up with a tentative definition ____open the dictionary to see if you’re right.

  A. would you B. you will C. should you D. you can

  6. Science began to develop rapidly when man _____ aside his wrong beliefs and began to seek true explanations.

  A. lay B. laid C. lie D. lied

  7. Garage-sale items are usually priced at a very small part of their ______ cost.

  A. reluctant B. original C. advanced D. recent

  8. In the United States, anyone who is willing to quarrel with the dictionary is ______ as either eccentric or mad.

  A. regarded B. guided C. revealed D. discarded

  9. We may say that a parrot ______, but cannot say that it really ______, because it cannot form new sentences out of the words it knows.

  A. speaks….talks B. talks…speaks C. talks…tells D. tells…speaks

  10. Some states have a sales tax, which is a percentage ______ to any item which you buy in that state.

  A. funded B. earned C. charged D. varied



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