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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/27 17:41  华夏大地自考版

  II.完形填空。 从四个选项中,选择一个正确答案, 并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

  Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)

  A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources and labor supply all these were important---26---in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.---27--they were not enough. Sometimes---28---was needed to start the industrial process. That “
something special” was men creative individuals who could invent machines, find new---29--- of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.

  The men who created the machines of the Industrial Revolution—30—from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were---31---inventors than scientists. A man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research---32---. He is not necessarily working---33---that his findings can be used.

  An inventor or one who is interested in applied science is---34---trying to make something that has a concrete use. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories---35---science or by experimenting through trail and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a -–36---result; the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of---37---other objectives.

  Most of the people who---38---the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had—39—or no training in science might not have made their inventions if groundwork had not been laid by scientists years---40---.

  26. A. cases B. reasons C. factors D. situations

  27. A. But B. And C. Besides D. Ever

  28. A. else B. near C. extra D. similar

  29. A. origins B. sources C. bases D. discoveries

  30. A. came B. arrived C. stemmed D. appeared

  31. A. less B. better C. more D. worse

  32. A. happily B. occasionally C. reluctantly D. accurately

  33. A. now B. and C. seldom D. so

  34. A. seldom B. sometimes C. usually D. never

  35. A. of B. with C. to D. as

  36. A. single B. sole C. specialized D. specific

  37. A. few B. those C. many D. all

  38. A. proposed B. developed C. supplied D. offered

  39.A. little B. much C. some D. any

  40. A. ago B. past C. ahead D. before

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