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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/27 17:41  华夏大地自考版

  47. My maternal grandfather, it is true, was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-five.

  A. My maternal grandfather, it is true, was wounded when picking flowers at the age of 65.

  B. My maternal grandfather, it is true, cut flowers at the age of 65.

  C. My maternal grandfather, it is true, passed away at the age of 65,the age when he should be strong and vigorous.

  D. My maternal grandfather, it is true, could pick flowers like a young man t
hough he was already 65.

  48. Love is freeing. Love is freely given, not doled out in demand.

  A. Love is given of one’s own free will, not provided for anyone who asks for it.

  B. If you beg for love, you will never get it because true love is not given out of pity.

  C. Love cannot be obtained by force, and it is given with no strings attached.

  D. There is a noble quality about love that helps improve man morally.

  49.Seven days before the design is due, I’m still deadlocked.

  A. In order to finish the design ahead of time. I ‘m deeply absorbed in my work.

  B. Seven days before I’m expected to finish the design, I get into some trouble.

  C. I am not allowed to go out of the lab until I have finished my design.

  D. Seven days before I am supposed to hand in the design, I am still puzzled with the problems.

  50. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to assume that the introduction of the art of inventing has been as immediate and unmixed blessing to mankind.

  A. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to believe that the introduction of the art of inventing has directly benefited only mankind.

  B. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to believe that the introduction of the art of inventing has benefited mankind directly.

  C. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to think that the introduction of the art of inventing has blessed mankind immediately and blessed only mankind.

  D. It would be a shadow kind of optimism to believe that the introduction of the art of inventing has benefited mankind immediately and brought them only benefit.

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