2007年03月22日 21:01 新浪教育
马利安·高利克(Marian Galik):斯洛伐克共和国著名的汉学家,斯洛伐克科学院资深研究员 “布拉格汉学学派”的代表人物之一,同时也是欧美享有盛誉的比较文学学者。一直致力于中西文学的比较研究,特别是在中国现代文学的研究领域里取得了重要的成就。其世界文学观念贯穿了其全部研究进程,其中《中国现代文学批评发生史》、《中西文学关系的里程碑》和《中国现代思想史研究》等论著得到了国际汉学界的肯定。近年来,他转向了《圣经》与中国文学关系的研究,为中西文化思想相互交流做出了卓越的贡献。依靠着坚定的信念和不懈的努力,2003年6月19日高利克被斯洛伐克科学院授予了2003年最高荣誉奖,成为声望显赫的比较文学大家。2005年荣获在国际学术界被誉为人文学术诺贝尔奖的“亚历山大—洪堡奖”。 Marian Galik (* 1933), studied Sinology and history of the Far East, Charles University, Prague (1953-1958), post-graduate studies at Peking University (1958-1960). PhD (1966), DrSc. (1985). Since 1960 research fellow in the Institute of Oriental and African Studies, since 1988 teacher at Comenius University, both in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Advisory Professor of East China Normal University, Shanghai /since 1989/. A Sinologist specialized in Chinese and East-West comparative literature, including Far East, and in intellectual history. Author of 4 scholarly monographs, editor of 4 books, published more than 260 scholarly studies and more than 210 scholarly reviews of the books. His important books include: The Genesis of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism, 1917-1930, Bratislava-London, Veda-Curzon Press 1980 and Milestones in Sino-Western Confrontation, 1898-1979, Bratislava-Wiesbaden, Veda-Harrassowitz 1986. These last books appeared also in Chinese translations (1990, 1997, and 2000). The same goes also for many of his essays. His monograph: Influence, Translation and Parallels. Selected Studies on the Bible in China, was published in 2004 in the Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin, Germany. He was decorated with the Slovak Academy of Sciences Prize for the year 2003 and Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for 2005.