

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月08日 17:44   新浪教育微博


  华南师范大学国际预科中心(微博)位于华南师范大学田家炳教育书院,是英国剑桥大学国际考试委员会(CIE)在中国广州市的直接授权单位,由世界顶尖名校——剑桥大学与国家“211”重点建设大学——华南师范大学合作建立开设A LEVEL课程体系。A LEVEL课程是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,被世界上150多个国家的1100多所大学认可,圆满修完这种课程,便意味着得到一本通往世界名校的“护照”,是中国优秀中学生进入世界一流大学的最正统、最权威的途径。华南师范大学国际预科中心的成立,就是将A LEVEL课程引进大学这个环境,使中国学生能通过这个平台,分享到世界高水平的教育资源,既可以在国内以最经济和最安全的方式接受A LEVEL课程教育,又能拥有比在外国A LEVEL课程的学生更多选择适合自己的国家和院校的机会。A LEVEL课程先进的教育理念、开阔的国际视野,传授给学生的不仅仅是知识,更注重培养学生终身学习的能力、分析思考的能力、实践运用的能力,为学生今后的发展打下坚实的基础。

  U-LinkCollege of International Culture of SCNU ,Guangzhou,China

  The College:

  Founded in 2004, U-Link College ofInternational Culture of SCNU is a Cambridge International Centre based inGuangzhou, China. Our center Number is CN399. This centre was approved andregistered by the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE),which is one of the first Cambridge International Centre opened in China.U-Link College is also the member of UCAS (British University and College EntrySystem).The registration number is 45439.

  U-Link College of InternationalCulture is located on the campus of South China Normal University, which isestablished in 1933, one of the prestigious university in China with a longhistory of quality education and teaching. The college is under theadministration of College of International Culture (CIC), one of the 14colleges in South China Normal University (SCNU ).provided us teachingresources and great facilities。

  Our college offers a two-year GCEA level programme. Since most of them have been studying under the ChineseGrading System, without GCE O levels. It is normal practice to evaluate thestudents by Junior high school transcript。

  The Courses:

  There are currently around 180students studying A level course, most of them are high-qualified, selectedfrom prestigious high school。

  The college offers many A levelsubjects, such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Accounting, Biology andothers. Students can select a minimum of three subjects for the preparation ofGCE A level Exams。

  The classes are entirely carriedout in English, with the direction and guidance with CIE Syllabus, Universityof Cambridge. All of our teachers and staff members are highly qualified andprofessional experienced .One foreign teacher and one Chinese assistant teacherare arranged to each subject. In order to develop students’ personality, thecollege provides various extra curricular activities, such as Arts, Music,Chinese History and Culture, Physical Education and Computing。


  1. Evaluate the transcript andperformance from the previews high-school education。

  2. Entrance Examinations inneeded: we test Mathematics, English (including writing and speaking) and anEnglish Interview。

  Other Facilities:

  Our college provides well-equippedfacilities including multimedia classrooms, science laboratory, computercentre, reading room and gymnasium。

  Student also can use facilities ofuniversity, such as, university library, sports center and others on campus。


  The college does offer studentgreat opportunities to social activities and encourage them to join the studentunion and do volunteer work。

  Student study and live with 318oversea students from such countries as Japan ,Korea ,Russia ,France ,U.S.A.,U.K, and Australia in CIC.This wonderful experience in cosmopolitan living canfamiliar themselves with international culture and environment, and get readyfor their future oversea studies and lives。



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