
新浪2011教育盛典: 任品一简介

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月21日 13:43   新浪教育微博


  任品一(微博),北京留学行业协会理事,策划创建世界顶级中学网 ,五洲通出国留学社区。如何界定生命的成功?相信您的回答应该是看到自己的孩子一步步走向人生的成功,拥有幸福的生活。每个父母都希望能提供给孩子最好的教育,尤其在中国社会。而最优秀的教育不仅仅是学术方面的,还包括精神,心理等等。我们会尽力为您的孩子提供一个全方位的,完美的教育规划。 



  作为咨询行业的领航者,我们的使命就是帮助孩子构建他们的梦想,实现人生目标。 我们的专业团队热爱他们的工作,并为我们这些客户所取得的成就感到骄傲。当我也曾拥有一段珍贵的留学经历, 所以深深地了解客户需要。现在我也为人父母,就更能体会每个父母所面临的挑战,但是我很自豪的说我们所从事的事业将会对以后的中国人素质产生积极的影响。


  Welcome message from the General Manager – Mrs. Pinyi REN

  What is the great success in life? I believe it is to see your children being successful, see your children leading a happy life. Providing the best education is every family's wish, especially in the Chinese society. I find the best education is not only academically, but also mentally, etc... We all wish for our kids to get a well-rounded and complete education。

  I had unforgettable and wonderful teenage years, which is the period you start building your values, making life-long friends, rebel, etc... Therefore a good secondary school will offer you strong academics, but also inspire your values。

  From age 14-19, education becomes more critical. In China, most schools focus predominately only on academics and unfortunately neglect other parts of life education. Parents are so busy and just don’t always have the personal time due to heavy work commitments to spend on enriching their child’s family education。

  As one of the leading consultants companies, our mission and life career is to help students realize their dreams, or even life goal. Our dedicated team truly enjoys their work and is proud of our customers’ achievements. Having the invaluable experience of studying abroad myself when I was younger I understand the needs of our customers. As a parent now I even more realize the challenges parents face and am proud I can make a real and positive difference in the future of other Chinese。

  WZT has offices and staff all over China and take pride in working not just for, but with our customers, and believe true value of service. We hope our sincere efforts will zest up your life!



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