
2012年11月19日11:41  新浪教育 微博   


  2012年中国教育盛典现已盛大开启,本届盛典以“Education 3.0--移动互联时代的中国教育”为主题,深入探讨互联网发展对教育行业的影响,全面展现国际教育发展的宏观趋势。除此之外,本届教育盛典还将通过媒体提名、网友投票、微博互动及专家评审等环节,推选出年度教育事件、教育人物、最具品牌影响力教育集团等重磅奖项,在盛典现场揭晓获奖名单。以下为此次活动的提名机构简介:


  深圳富源剑桥国际学院创建于2008年,是专门从事剑桥国际高中课程教学的国际学院(简称FEC), 是剑桥大学国际考试委员会设在深圳的考试中心(Cambridge International Centre), 注册号CN169。就读的学生均可在本院的考场(包括实验室)直接参加由剑桥大学考试院(CIE)统一组织的全球各学科的考试。五年来,学院专注于发展英国剑桥大学考试院(CIE)授权的国际普通高中证书和高级证书A Level课程体系,已经形成一支高素质的教学、管理和服务团队。经过孜孜不倦的努力和探索,积累了丰富的教学经验,并取得优异的办学成果。 (英语)

  Fuyuan Educational college (FEC),founded in Shenzhen in 2008, is specialized in the teaching of Cambridge International High School curriculum. FEC International College, a University of Cambridge international examination center, is located in Shenzhen under registration number CN169. FEC’s students are located in hospital style examination rooms and laboratories and directly participate in the study of various disciplines of the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Over the past five years, the institute has focused on the development of a high school certificate which is authorized by the University of Cambridge and the advanced certificate of A- Level curriculum system. FEC has developed high-quality teaching, management and service team through tireless efforts of exploring and accumulating vast experience in teaching and excellent school results。




  Excellent school results:

  From 2008 to 2012 more than 100 graduates from FEC were admitted to well-known institutes of higher learning throughout the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and Hong Kong. Two of our students were admitted to Oxford, 21 were admitted to Imperial College, 52 were admitted to the following British universities: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University College London, University of Sheffield, University of St Andrews, Lancaster University, the University of Manchester, and the Royal Academy of Music. More than 20 students were admitted to the following universities: United States Louis Washington University, Emerald University, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, Western University, York University, Simon Fraser University; Waseda University; Swiss Caesar Leeds hotel Institute; University of Sydney, Australia; University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Chinese University。

  Our graduates are all over England, North America and Australia; their scholastic achievements have included actuarial science, economics, finance, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, architectural design, media, mathematics and physics, chemistry, life sciences among many others. (English)


  办学五年,我校拥有一支优秀的、有经验的中外教学管理团队,院长由中国著名的国际教育专家,有多年A level课程成功管理经验的、英国帝国理工大学博士董存国担任。其中资深外教10名,中教双语教师20名。主课教师均有10年以上A level课程的教学经验。他们通过多年教学实践和参加剑桥大学考试院组织的国内外教学培训,已经成为我院各年级的教学骨干和学生素质教育的中坚力量。随着学生的增加,今年各学科的教师包括外教数量将会按比例增加。(英语)

  Outstanding faculty:

  Throughout the past five years, FEC has had an excellent team of experienced Chinese and foreign teachers. Dr. Dong, the dean of FEC, is an expert in international education. Graduated from Imperial College, Dr. Dong has rich experiences in A- level courses. Under his supervision, our teaching faculty consists of 10 senior foreign teachers and 20 bilingual Chinese Staff. For the main A- level courses, all the teachers are required to have at least 10- years teaching experience as well as the training in the University of Cambridge Local Examinations. These teachers are the backbone in our teaching system and ensure that we can provide students with a high quality education. The number of teachers will increase proportionately to the number of students。

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