
2018年11月13日 13:55 新浪教育

  新浪网、新浪教育频道主办的“第十一届中国教育盛典”将于2018年11月27日-28日在北京诺金酒店隆重举办,网络票选正式开启。本届盛典评选范围将包括在线教育、国际教育、高等教育、商学院、外语培训、儿童教育、 课外辅导、教育公益等领域,最终获奖结果将由网友、媒体及专家评审共同决定。以下是本年度教育盛典的提名人物简介:

  王伟女士毕业于全球排名顶尖的美国西北大学(分数线,专业设置) (Northwestern University) 凯洛格商学院 (KELLOGG School of Management),主攻市场、金融及会计专业,并获MBA学位。曾任教于西安交通大学(分数线,专业设置);后在新加坡和美国从事多年企业管理、市场营销和国际商务开拓工作。KELLOGG商学院毕业后,王伟女士任职于美林证券(Merrill Lynch)的纽约总部,专注于投资策略及经济市场分析。曾先后在中欧管理学院、北京大学(分数线,专业设置)和清华大学(分数线,专业设置)主持有关教育项目的研讨会。王伟女士具有丰富的国际化企业管理、组织策划及运营经验,曾在香港、新加坡、伦敦及美国等地工作。2002年,王伟女士当选为 KELLOGG 商学院北京校友会主席;2006年,她成功举办了第一届KELLOGG亚洲品牌年会;现在,她仍担任该校友会的荣誉顾问。

  王伟女士2002年回国,携领美国哈佛大学、美国西北大学凯洛格商学院校友会的成员以及美国蒙台梭利协会的教育专家们创办了Etonkids北京伊顿国际幼儿园,并将Etonkids发展成为了中国最优秀的国际教育品牌之一,她本人也在中国教育领域多次荣获 “中国教育精英”、“中国教育百杰人物”等荣誉称号。王伟女士还兼任中国民办教育协会学前教育专业委员会副理事长、美国蒙台梭利协会中国发展委员会委员、亚洲蒙台梭利教育协会董事、全美幼教协会理事等职务。她也无异议地被选为皮克勒美国受托管理委员会的成员,该委员会是美国被授权教授皮克勒教育法的唯一机构。

  Vivien Wang, Chairman and CEO of Etonkids Educational Group, started her career as a lecturer in statistics at Xi‘an Jiao-Tong University。 She later earned her MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management with a concentration in Marketing, Finance, and Education Management。 After Kellogg, Mrs。 Wang worked as an investment strategist at Merrill Lynch‘s Wall Street Head Office and has since conducted business seminars at the China Europe International Business School, Peking University, and Tsinghua University。 Mrs。 Wang possesses extensive experience in multinational management and operations, having worked throughout the United States, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong。 In 2002, she was elected president of the Kellogg Beijing Alumni Club。 In 2006, she successfully organized the first Kellogg Asia Marketing Conference。 She currently serves as co-chair and senior consultant for the club。

  Mrs。 Wang founded Etonkids Educational Group in 2002 with a collaboration of alumni from Harvard University and the Kellogg School of Management as well as American Montessori Society (AMS) experts and quickly built it into China‘s leading provider of early education。 She has received numerous awards for her contribution to education in China, including being named as part of the “Top 100 Educators in China。” She is the Vice President of the Preschool Education Committee of the Chinese Association for Non-Government Education, Chairman of the Asia Montessori Education Association, as well as a member of the Chinese Development Committee of the American Montessori Society and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)。 She has also been unanimously voted in as a Pikler USA Board of Trustee Committee Member, which is the only organization in the United States authorized to teach the Pikler Pedagogy。


  Mrs。 Wang and Justine Zeng, the Principal of Etonkids Parents Academy, authored a parenting book entitled Hey, Do You Know Your Baby? This book encapsulates Etonkids‘ Montessori education practice in China and summarizes the educational experience of tens of thousands of Etonkids students from over 50 campuses。 The book’s central message involves the sharing of valuable and practical information for parents to learn how to evolve their parenting skills and how to help their children to develop into individuals。 As a book which brings together over 10 years of educational experience, it features systematic concepts, vivid examples, scientific methodologies, professional analyses, academic theories, and associated practices。 This book can be considered as an informative, entertaining, and practical family parenting encyclopedia。


  -- 摘自 Vivien Wang(王伟)女士自序

  “If you are able to know your baby earlier and provide them with the environment in which to develop, you can help them form the capability to create happiness for themselves。 This is the best gift which we can give to our children as parents。”

  -- Vivien Wang, from the book’s preface








