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http://www.sina.com.cn 2001/05/18 18:41  新浪文教



  (1) Tom got up,____ himself and went out.

  (2) Mary said ____to the notice.

  (3) The first textbooks____ for teaching English came out in the 16th century.

  (4) He is considered ____the computer.

  (5) Why not ____going by boat?

  (6) He could hardly keep his eyes____.

  (7) I can hardly imagine Peter ____across it.

  (8) If we had driven in turn, you wouldn't ____so tired.

  (9) I didn't know you ____in London.

  10) The women got____by the hour.

  11) You_____play with the fire, you may hurt yourself.

  12) Could I borrow your book? of course you ____.

  13) We ____each other the best of luck.

  14) ____the book and tell me what you think of it.

  15) The lights happened to ____.

  16) The fire ____in the factory yesterday.

  答案:1. dressed 2. pointing 3. written 4. to have invented 5. try 6. open 7. sailing 8. have got 9. were 10. paid 11. 12. can 13. wished 14. Look through 15. go out 16. Broke out



  (17) The book is of great____ .

  (18) She is____ newcomer to____.

  (19) He dropped the____ cup.

  (20) ____ of us had any money on us.

  (21) They gave the child____ he wanted.

  (22) I bought two_____of these eggs.

  (23) This is Zhao____.

  (24) Thank you. It is ____.

  (25) I have never heard a ____ voice.

  (26) It was only then ____ I began to notice it

  (27) The number of people invited ____ fifty.

  (28) You should leave things ____ you can find them.

  (29) I don't need any money, but I'll bring some ____.

  (30) ____ you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

  答案:17. value 18. a/x 19. Coffee 20. None 21. what 22. dozen 23. speaking 24. my pleaswre 25. better 26.that 27. was 28. Where 29. in case 30. Now that



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