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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/01 13:24  寄托天下




  Your last name is Y, right?

  Hope my info will help you a little bit.

  Our program is small, other than me, a lot of Chinese students who were in

  this program have agricultural background. Now I am the only Chinese student, I will graduate soon. Due the economic condition and huge budget cut in all public schools in US, it is tougher for foreign students to get financial aid, this year, we did not have any new foreign student at all in our program. Moreover, about 30% of Chinese students coming to Rutgers are paying by themselves. I am not saying that you should not consider applying,

  there are still chances.

  I am not sure how much GRE will weigh in their decision making, most American students have similar score to you, however, most students in this program have to do teaching assistant job to support ourselves, in a way, they don't care about your score, but they do care about your English proficiency, can you understand, speak, write efficiently in English, can you teach in English, not very easy to be TAs here.

  Most importantly, I don't know any one who is doing research similar to your project in this program, so I think for your benefits, you might want to seek other programs which have professors doing enzymology and protein engineering.

  My biggest advice is, if you want to go abroad to study, eventaully you will be able to do it, but the biggest challenge is what really interests you. Chinese people will find a job and will make a living (green card, house, car, kids ect), but very few know their true interest, even if when they finally realize what are their interests years ago, they do not have the opportunity to pursue their interests anymore. Before you pick the school,

  think about this, the earlier you know, the better.

  Good luck and God bless you!


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