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I want to know what the means of“PMS”
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/30 15:43  洋话连篇


  Dear Mr.ABC,

  I like your program so much!

  Today I read a book,the name is"chicken soup for woman's soul". The name of one article is "365 days".It wrote,According to my friends and associates, I'm secure,educated,modestly intelligent,organized and creative.But for most of my adult life,for 14 days out of each year,I felt exactly the opposite of those attributes.What brought this on, you ask?Not PMS,but worse --my parents'annual visit.

  I want to know what the means of "PMS"?



  Dear ceal:

  我都有点不好意思告诉你”PMS”是什么东东,读了你提供的文章,可以明白,这个小女孩一年总有那么几天心情非常糟糕,这个糟糕的原因不是”PMS”(Pre-Menstrual Syndrome,月经前不快症状),而是父母的年度探视。可见这个小女孩比较叛离的性格。

  Yours abc


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