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“out of sight, out of mind”?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/06 18:49  洋话连篇


  Dear Miss ABC:

  Please help to see how to translate "out of sight, out of mind".

  Thanks & B regards



  Dear Grace,

  out of sight:

  1,不被看见。Stay out of sight,she mustn't see us!躲开,不要让她看见我们!

  2,很高大。The chairman said that labour cost had gone out of the sight in the past year.主席说过去的一年工资有大幅提高。

  3,非常棒!A party?That would be out of sight! I'd love it.开舞会?好极了!我最喜欢了!

  out of one's mind:发疯。His sufferings in prinson sent him out of his mind.他在监狱里受的苦使他发疯了!

  Yours abc


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