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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
安徽 杜达夫:A New Starting Point(中学组)

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

  I'm Marcus Doo,a boy from Wuhu. First of all, I must say standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. Maybe you can guess what has brought me to this spot.

  My English journey started when I began to utter English words as a todller;. Later, New Concept English cultivated in me a genuine passion for English. And furthermore, Li Yang Crazy English convinced me that it's my destiny to pursue English learning all my life. I mean, English has opened up a new world to me and English means everything to me.

  April 3rd is the date I'll never forget. On that day I received the call from CCTV, informing me that I was admitted to the National Final. That news came out of the blue , I couldn't believe my ears, my mind went blank ,my head swirled and I felt as if I was in a dream. Shortly after that, when I calmed down, I began to realize this competition is not my final goal, but a new starting point.

  Today, we are gathering here to compete for the highest mark. All the contestants present are so outstanding that it is a real challenge for me to come out top,at the same time, I've got the fine chance to learn from their experience and acquire fresh knowledge. And most important of all, I have the honor to hear the comments given by our respectable judges. All this will certainly give a good push to my English study.

  Issac Newton once said, "If I have seen further than most men, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." So far I've become fully confident of myself simply because I'm standing at a new and high starting point. Setting off from this point, I'll fulfill my colorful dreams.

  Maybe several years later, there will be a young man sitting on this judge's seat and his name will be Marcus Doo.

  I hope that day will come soon.

  Thanks for listening!

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