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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
湖北 余白乐:Grandpa the Great(中学组)

  On the day of my departure at the railway station, when the train began heading north, I caught sight of the silhouette of my grandpa swaggering away home bound. His voice echoed, reassuringly: "Boy, cheer up, show your best to the world!"

  Grandpa had been a constant figure in my childhood, much more available than my office-bound parents. He was there to see me grow up, caring and nurturing me.

  I used to be a shy boy, taciturn and self-isolated in my books. Little had I imagined that I'd be facing this kind of English contest some day. When I was 7 years old, my elementary school once held a biennial poem recitation contest. As you could have imagined, I balked at the idea of partaking in. I dreaded the thought of delivering a mini-speech in front of a horde of people, with din and pandemonium in the school auditorium. To make it worse, the silly extravaganza was likely to be spoiled by those parents seemingly sneering at childish voices, making fun of our innocence and naiveté. Alas, what a holy shame to get involved. Nevertheless, grandpa insisted that I should join in, with his reassuring voice he went:"Boy, don't take yourself seriously, come on and show your best!" Eventually, I did it and succeeded.

  As my grandpa always said, life is full of joy and challenges with challenges predominating, that I shall never panic and lose sight of my priorities in face of it, rather to adhere to my principals of hard work, perseverance and self-confidence. Thus now I look forward to challenges rather than shying away from them and I value the determination that guided my through the struggles.

  Thanks to his sustained support, I made my way here. Though the challenge ahead is tough, I can still believe this gentle old man: Oh yes, cheer up, SHOW MY BEST TO THE WORLD."

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