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河南 李梦琪:My hometown(小学组)

  My hometown is beautiful! She is famous historical-cultural city with a history of 4,000 years. Can you guess where is it? Yes, she is Luoyang.

  As everyone knows. The famous flower in our city is peony. In the days of 10-25 of April every year is the peony festival. I know a poem is about peony. That is Enjoy the Tree-Peony,written by LiuYuXi who is a great poet of Tang Dynasty."Too coquettish, peonies in front garden, lotus on the pool, too solemm. Tree-peony only, the beauty of nation, moves the capital, with its blossom."

  The people in Luoyang is friendly and well known by local food. The place of historical interest in here are: Longmen Grottoes: White horse temple, Wangcheng park and Baiyuan Garden. Baiyuan Garden is a great poet BaiJuYi in Tang Dynasty located here.

  Well, My dear friends, don't you think Luoyang is a beautiful city! And Luoyang warmly welcome all of you to our hometown!

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