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江苏 王简妮:The Blue Sky(小学组)

  Blue is my favorite color. It is the color of the ocean. My mom said blue should also be the color of our sky, but I always say NO to her since in my 11 years of life I seldom have no experiences that the color of the sky is blue.

  Mom said I was right but she was right, too. She said when she was young there were few factories and automobiles. Instead there are more green trees, grasses and crops surrounded by clean rivers. How wonderful it was when she was playing outside! She was running after dragonflies and butterflies, and a cat was running after her, while the birds were singing at the top of a tree and a squirrel was looking at her from the ground. The sky was blue! Really Blue! I was very jealous of her. How I hope that I could see the blue sky!

  One night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was lying down there on the grass. All passing buses, cars and scooters have no tail-gas. There are garden-like factories beside me. The construction sites are clean without dust. In my dream, the sky is blue. Suddenly, I become a bird flying freely in the blue sky!

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