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湖南 柳楯:My view on opportunity(中学组)

  Good morning!

  Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen :

  Different people might take different views upon opportunity. Some people regard opportunity a rare thing that is difficult to get. But other people think that every one has some kind of opportunities from time to time.

  As for me, I prefer the latter opinion. A western saying tells us, "Every dog has its day." Everybody has opportunities to be successful. In fact, no one can be denied by opportunities. Those who claim they don't have good luck just can't recognize or make good use of opportunity. So we must try our best to find it and make best use of it.

  Opportunities are not windfalls. Opportunities belong to those who are prepared and qualified.

  For example, before Newton many people had seen an apple falling down from a tree, but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity. The reason is that he had developed a habit of thinking over answers to problems and stuck to his studies in spite of difficulties.

  As we all know, China is a country with a large number of young people. We are compared to the rising sun, giving youth, energy and new blood to our nation. So we must try to live up to the expectations of our motherland by squarely facing and taking every opportunity we meet in order to make the most worthwhile contribution we can to the world as well as our motherland.

  Yes, opportunites are coming. With our talents and with our wits, with our courage and with our creativity, let us whisper, loudly in our minds: Let it come! Let it come!

  Thank you.

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