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上海 潘袆:The present from Santa Claus(小学组)

  When I was a little boy, I also believed in Santa Claus. I can remember the year when I was four years old. My parents told me: "Philip, Santa Claus will give you some nice presents on Christmas Eve. If you are a really good boy, he'll give you just what you want." "Really?" I said. "Will he give me a toy train?" My parents promised me.

  You know, it was a long time for me to wait for Christmas. But finally, Christmas Eve came. I hung a stocking at the foot of my bed, and I could hardly go to sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up very early. I eagerly looked into my stocking, but found nothing. Disappointed, I went into the sitting room. I was thrilled to see a big box under the Christmas tree. I tore off the ribbon and paper, and found the toy train I wanted so much!

  Several years later, I learned that Santa Claus was not real,but I wasn't too disappointed. Because I also learned that it was actually my parents who gave me the toy train. Now, at Christmas time I always remember that Christmas when I was four. And I feel very happy, because I know that I'm a good boy and my parents love me very much.

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