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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
湖北 赵为:Books(大学组)

  Books have been important to me ever since I could read. No, even before that, cause my mother would always described vividly that, as a two years old how I loved to sit there clutching a picture- book and murmur things that no one could understand.

  As I grow, books are going more and more indispensable to me. When I was exultant, books hold me back from being over high. When I was depressed, books help me to pull myself together and get going again. The books I read then could mark all the major changes in my life. Some books in the long run, could even be viewed as life --shaping to me .As the western proverb says," books are the only immortality,"

  Books I read kindle my interests in different aspects of life, and my experiences motivate me to find more books that can explain things I encounter. Through reading, my insight into things around me and into myself is greatly deepened. I try to view things from different standing points and in this way, I get a better understanding of other people's feelings. Instead of shutting myself in books, I open up to the world with an utmost spirit and a healthy attitude.

  Yes, how limited would our ken is, were it not for the knowledge passed on through books! How superficial would our understandings of the world and ourselves be? Was it not for the wisdom of the great minds communicating with us through books! Books are patient teachers who never answer a question in haste. Books are loyal friends who never give us a cold shoulder in our times of trouble. They were, they are and always will be there for us. So why not enjoy their company?

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