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天津理工学院 任彦超:Just To Try

  One year ago, I was assigned a special task: to interview a foreign company manager. Since had read an article about this company, I was attracted by its management methods. So after careful consideration and preparation, I arranged my schedule. This was my first time facing a foreign company, so I found it was difficult beyond my expectation to start the plan. I always thought "what if he refuse…" When this questioned, I told myself immediately:" Now, he is the manager, but he probably comes from fundamentally the same background as you today. If you are too shy to sell your ideas; if you are too shy to present yourself; if you are too shy to speak in public, then you will never have any chance! God does not require you to succeed; God only requires that you try!"

  Then I mustered up my strength and courage, pushed open the door, and politely introduced myself. It cost only a few seconds, but to me, it was the longest and most embarrassing time. As I had expected, there came a terrible silence. Everyone stopped doing their things, everyone turned around, and everyone stared with a peculiar expression at me. I knew they must be surprised by my sudden visit. Finally, a man appeared. From his introduction, I knew that he was the marketing manager. He invited me to his office. Thus, my first step finished.

  Next, I talked confidently with him about my purpose and showed the questions I prepared. He was quite impressed by my fluent English and especially my courage and confidence. Furthermore, he said that he had such similar experience in his student years, so he knew what a student want. Thus my interview got a final success.

  Today, one year has passed. I am still thankful for this precious experience as I learned a lot. When facing challenges, skill is power, knowledge is power, and above all, courage is power. With these abilities, we can transform our challenges into opportunities. So let us overcome our shyness. Let us keep our enthusiasm trying to do what we want. Let us take initiative instead of waiting and dreaming. And above all, let us be courageous! Opportunities are not windfalls. Opportunities are the door through which we pass in solving our problems. Eventually, the world will be our stage, for our performance! Let us whisper, loudly in our mind, Just to try!

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