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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
天津工业大学职业技术学院 张睿:TianJin In My Heart

  My hometown Tianjin lies in the north of China ,it's a big city and has a population of nine million .But in my eyes ,it's really a big market. When you come here ,you can see it's very prospective .First ,you can see many tidy and wide roads and streets face to you and many new bridges were built on roads these years .All the people in Tianjin are very kind and ardent .But I think the biggest change here is the physical education .

  For instance ,Tianjin has built its own special round roof of sport center .It lies to the southwest of Tianjin Tower ,could contains about 1,000 people .The equipments here are very modern and complete .They are as good as the ones in other modern cities in the world .It stands for the sweat and wisdom of the working people in Tianjin .So as a great result of it ,it has held all kinds of competitions ,especially the 43rd World Table-tennis Championship ,won a good prize from the world .It also successfully held the 1999 Artistic Gymnastics World Championship ,all the people in the world paid much more attention about it .

  But in the past, there's nothing here except the weeds ,it's a wasteland .Even the farmers do not want to plant any crops on it ,because I think everyone all likes beautiful places ,don't they ? Now the economy of Tianjin has a great development and the government has spent a lot of money to build it. Until 1994 it has been built up ,it looks very grand whether near or far away . So besides holding competitions ,it's also a special see sight in Tianjin . So more people in the world begin to know and like it . As a citizen of Tianjin,I'm very proud of it!I think Tianjin is the most beautiful city in my heart and I hope it'll become an international city in the world! Let Tianjin go to the world and let the world know much about it ,it's our new goal .

  I love you forever ,my hometown--Tianjin!!!

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