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天津外国语学院 胡静:Failure

  I was always thinking that I'm not the lovely girl in God's eyes, because misfortune seems like my best friend who always follows me.

  It goes back to the period when I was a junior student, I always did a good job in the preparation exam, but failed in the final exam, the same thing happened during my high school education. After I entered into the university, I also got a lot of trouble. At one time I even thought that God was used to making jokes with me. Sometimes, when it's dark in the night, I laid on my bed, just felt so cold, cold deep into my bones. I asked myself why I had already tried my best and really had the ability to win, but always no results. Tears fell down my cheeks. It was really a tough time for me to go through.

  But I have changed my mind after I heard a story told by my English teacher, it's a story about a girl who always succeed and never fail. Totally her life is perfect until she was at work, she found she couldn't bear the criticism from her boss and anybody surpassing her, at last she went mad. Only because she was always thinking she had no defect, she was the perfect one.

  I learn something from this story that failure can easily defeat a person who seldom fail or never learn lessons from it, on the opposite, it can never break up the wings of a person who has strong-will and always gets something from it. Although sometimes failure is just like a sharp knife jabbing your heart deeply, at the meantime, it makes you grow up and be strong-will. It can also teach you to be clam and never complain when you are in trouble.

  So don't be afraid of failure, if you think you're right, just keep on doing it and you will be successful one day, if it's your own fault, try to correct it and you will be much better than before.

  After these much failure, I changed my attitude to God, I think he is a nice person who gave me so many chances to be a stronger in spirit and make me get ready for the bigger challenge and I am sure that one day he will help me directly, because there is an old saying in the western countries that "God helps who helps himself."

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