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天津外国语学院 林薇:A simple Truth about Happiness

  A traveler came to a great city and asked a woman seated by the wayside: "What are the people like in the city?" The woman asked him: "How were the people where you came from?" "Terrible" said the traveler: "mean, untrustworthy and detestable in all respects." "Ah," said the woman: " you'll find them the same in the city ahead." Hardly had the traveler gone when another one stopped and asked the same question, again the woman inquired him about the people in his city. "They are fine people," declared the second traveler, "honest, industrious and generous to a fault." The wise woman smiled and responded:" So you'll find them the same in the city ahead." The philosophy of the story is obvious: It's the attitude that makes the difference. The first traveler is bound to be unhappy wherever he goes while the second one will always enjoy a happy life. So I would like to ask you a question: how can we be happy in our life?

  It sounds like a simple question, but it's not as easy as it seems, since many people misunderstand the process and the journey of getting happiness. They think that happiness comes after we get what we want, so they often say:" I'll be happy when I get a promotion, when I become rich, when I marry a nice girl or guy, etc." As they are waiting, they have missed the point already. In fact, the result is quite the opposite: happiness is largely under our control. It's a battle to be fought and not a feeling to be awaited.

  Those who wait for happiness are just like the first traveler in the story. As they are unable to get happiness at hand, they'll never be able to grab it in the days ahead, for life is always teemed with good times and bad times, problems and solutions. Do you remember the philosophy of half a glass of water? Do you think it's half empty or half full? Do you choose to be pessimistic or optimistic? Do you choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution? Would you like to enjoy happiness or simply drown yourself in distress?

  You are the one to make all the decisions!

  Let's try to figure it out, the truth of happiness. Whatever your philosophy is, the part on happiness should be the same:

  If you choose to find the positive in virtually every situation, you'll be blessed.

  If you choose to find the awful, you'll be cursed.

  As with happiness itself, it's largely your decision to make!

  Thank you!

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