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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
天津理工学院 吕本清:My name is Danny...

  Hello, everyone. My name is Danny. I am both extroverted and optimistic.

  Life, sometimes, it can twist your heart, put you in the dark, make you feel cold and lonely. However, if you can hold on to yourself and carry on with all your strength, you will finally see that love has always been around us everywhere. I always tell myself to believe that after every storm, if you look hard enough, a rainbow appears.

  Three years ago, I lost my mom. For a long time afterwards, I drowned myself in great sadness. Well, it was music that saved my broken heart. Winter, spring, summer or fall, whenever I felt down, music would always be there to comfort me. Music helped me cast all my fears aside and it filled me with great energy. From it, I have learned how to tell right from wrong, how to discover truth and beauty, and how to view this world with my eyes and heart wide open. Now, if anyone asks me what I excel at, I will answer immediately: Well, it is singing, singing and singing!

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