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上海华东理工大学 刘海宁:A Journey of Self-discovery

  A Journey of Self-discovery

  "Describe yourself in a one-minute speech", frankly speaking, this is the hardest topic I've ever encountered. I find I have many "selves" which vary with time and place, so that it's tough to combine all these "selves" into a single description.

  But still I want to try, and I invite all of you here to join me on a journey of self-discovery.

  One "self" can be found in the school radio station, the first step towards my long-time aspiration of a career in the mass media field. Here I come up with the initial idea, write the script, and adjust the machine, until the moment when my voice echoes through the campus. Yes, here I find the "self" working passionately for dream and waiting patiently for opportunity.

  Another "self" is a tour guide, introducing overseas travelers to the best of our culture, while at the same time absorbing their different, but inspiring ideas. This is a broad-minded "self" with a cosmopolitan outlook that integrating modern values with our 5000-year civilization. This "self" also has the ability to be a tourist in her own country, admiring the breath-taking mountain ranges and ancient culture as for the first time.

  Sweeping through the piano keys, I become my artistic "self", cheering in the tennis court, I turn to another athletic "self". And there is also a tranquil "self" that enjoys reading biographies to find out how others built their "selves", so that I can achieve more and contribute the most.

  And right now, at today's competition, I find my "courageous " self, which gives me strength to make a presentation in CCTV in front of countless audience watching. I believe this contest will also help me to find a confident "self", who will encourage me to welcome every challenge, never losing faith even in the toughest times.

  Ladies and Gentlemen, now I must pause in my journey of self-journey. As long as I have a dream to pursue, however, the journey will continue, for I believe there will always be another better "self" in my future.

  Thank you!

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