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山东大学 高明:I am from Shandong Province...

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, dear judges.

  I am from Shandong Province, the home town of Confucius, and I live in Jinan, the city of springs.

  My name is Gao Ming. Gao in English is High, and Ming means Bright. Please call me High Bright if you like. My name is given by my father, and he always encourages me to go higher and higher, and have a brighter future.

  My mother says that life is just like climbing a mountain, the higher we reach the brighter scenery we will see. We should always climb up and up, and try to conquer the peak. We have to strive, to seek, to find, and never to yield.

  I am such a climber. The climbing of my life makes me contented and energetic, and well awarded by the great scenery on my way to the peak. Every morning when I wake up, I can see the peak is ahead waiting for me. And every evening when I go to bed, I know that I am nearer to the peak of the life-mountain, and I will be higher and brighter.

  This is me, Gao Ming, a climber, High Bright.

  Thank you!

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