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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
江苏苏州大学 李展:I was born in Suzhou...

  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:I really can't believe that I-such a quiet and reserved girl could be standing here today! It is so lucky of me!

  Yes, I am very lucky. I was born in Suzhou, a city regarded as "the Venice of the Orient" and "Paradise on Earth".

  I am lucky that my primary school, middle school and university have all been the most distinguished ones in Suzhou.

  The long history and glorious culture of Suzhou has nurtured me selflessly. It has bestowed upon me a spirit of unfailing assiduity and carefulness. It has moulded my character of appearing submissive on the outside but determined and strong on the inside. It has contributed to my attitude of being strict to myself and kind to others. It has also cultivated my interest and pursuit of art and music.

  I wish that all my dreams will be accompanied with luck in the future.

  Thank you for listening.

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