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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
吉林大学 潘亮:I was born in Yunnan Province...

  When it comes to self-introduction, I will find it is very hard for me to start with a simple item, that is, "where am I from? " I was born in Yunnan Province, brought up in Shanghai, finished the middle and high school education in Chongqing, a big city in southwest China, and then shifted to my four -year campus life in Jilin University, northeast China. The fluid life in the four regions divided the 21 years I lived almost equally into four parts, shaping me into a receptive, adaptable, and independent person. My unique experience offered me the familiarity with different cultures within this country, and my major of English gave me a glimpse into the comparison between eastern and western cultures. A born, a made, and a would-be cultural messenger, that is who I am. My name is Maxton. Ready to be your friend.

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