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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
河南新乡高等师范专科学校:I'm quite glad that...

  I'm quite glad that you're all listening to me and watching me. And indeed I'm willing to share with you all my inner world. Beyoud the hustle and bustle of modern life, I feel relieved to have my favorite things with me. The vast, endless bluesky over-looks us, so compatible, so generous. Lower down, bright-coloured flowers with 3or 4 petals woven into the emerald-green hillside. They're waving and waving in the gentle wind, like stars winking in the dark sky, whispering to me. Yes, they're still there, full of gratitude, so grateful for everything offered to them by the Creator. Among them, a Cinderella, never stops trying to fulfil her dream to be a cultural bridge. `cause I understand that the belief in a thing makes it happen and the thing always happens that you really believe in. Despite the difficulties and adversities to come, I shall always smile, walk slowly but surely, just like a child, eyes wide open, to face a big big world.

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