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湖北华中科技大学 蔡小川:My primary school was...

  My primary school was pretty far away from my home. Every morning, father took me school by his bicycle. I got still remember every time when we passed the No.6 middle school, a key school in Wuhan. Father might say to me:" Hey sonny, I will be proud you if you can study there." "Alright daddy..." I burbled, concentrating on the bread, my breakfast, in my hand.

  Several years later, I became a student of No.6. Once again father said to me, "You should have your higher education in the best university." "I will try.", I answered absent-mindedly.

  Now a couple of years later, I am there in that university.

  Well, it seems I don't like to say "Yes, I can." or "No, I can not.". But I can never stop working hard. Each day I feel I gotta improve. Hard work, determination, making every step steady, all got push me ahead. And this is me, an ordinary person, and want to be extraordinary in the future.

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