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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
北京广播学院 朱静秋:Do I sound like a robot...

  Do I sound like a robot? Well, it is said that people spend almost 1/5 of the lifetime on filling all kinds of forms, Every time when I am asked to write a self-introduction I feel dull and bored. This time, no more ordinary form-filling presentation. Instead, I would like to share my story with you.

  First of all, let me show you a bottle. Don't take it for a simple perfume bottle. It's actually one of most important things for me, wherever I go I'll take it. Whenever there is a river, I'll take some drops of water from it and put them in my bottle. The more places I go, the more drops of water are added in. Now, there is water from the Yellow River, the Long River, even the River of Thames in it. In another word, it's a picture of I myself: Americans' imagination, Germans' stamina. Meanwhile, 100% "Made in China".

  That's me, a citizen of the world!

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