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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
北京语言文化大学 丁苑苑:I like freedom...

  they say you can tell a lot about a person by their likes and dislikes .


  I like freedom ,hate to be endlessly intrrogated by the dormitory gatekeeper,and hate to be locked out in the cold because of a curfew designed to limit social discourse

  I like truth and hate yo be fooled by censored news and conditioned by the abnormal normality of MTV.

  I like change and hate to listen to prople preach arcane doctrine like,girls ought not to chase boys or that being a "mr.mom"should be humiliating.

  I like honesty and hate to ridicule Korean football's leaping progress while taking pains to cover up the impotence and stagnation of china's football.

  I like luck. it's not necessary to win the 5 million dollar jackpot,but something like suddenly being allowed to join the "outlook"speech contest national final makes me excited enough.

  I like challenge and hate to sit stupidly in a suffocating classroom while th entire intensive reading curriculum revolves around the teacher reading the textbook alound and the students regurgitating it word for word on the final exam.

  I have a lot of likes and dislikes ,however,there is one more dislike which seems particularly pertinent here;failure. if i lost ,what would i do then ?would i be choked with tears? would i fast for a week to punish my incompetence?or would that just be becoming the very thing i despise,allowing failare to take its true form ?no,it's better to swallow the sadness and accept the failare as a lesson.because when it's all said and done,i love the freedom to challenge the truth, change my luck, and honestly learn

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