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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
贵州贵阳市第六中学 曾嘉炜:That’s Me...

  That’s Me

  1987.7.11th.AD.The god waved his hand and sent me to the secular world without any more carvings.

  Then I went into my family and began my life trip.As a man of Cancer I don’t speak too much but I’m confident,opmistic,strong and patient.

  I’m crazy about music especially classical music. When I am happy, I like listening to the music and playing the cello. At that moment my happy heart is dancing with the fantastic music.

  When I am unhappy,I like playing strong music with all of my power and venting all of my feelings on it,it makes me feel more comfortable.Music not shapes my mentality but also brings me a lot of beautiful time.

  I’ve said so much, what am I like? I am myself, the only one in the world. My body ,thought, cello, football, confidence, strong character make me. That’s me——Zeng Jiawei!

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