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上海外国语大学附属外校 张经纬:I'm a Junior Three student...

  That's Me

  Hello ladies and gentlemen,

  My name is Zhang JingWei. I'm a Junior Three student from Shanghai Foreign Language School.

  When I was ten, I won the special prize in the 96' Children's Communication Competition and luckily became one of the eight people to go to America for ten days. From then on, I became so fond of English that I got many prizes in English competitions.

  Science is my favorite, too. I won the second prize in the Singapore Math Contest. And this year, I became the owner of the third prize in the National TianYuan Cup Chemistry Contest.

  I love music, especially classic music. Playing piano becomes a part of my life and music is not just tunes but a vivid book of life to me.

  As a boy, I'm crazy about basketball; even a touch of it means a great pleasure. From playing basketball, I have learnt how to dribble or shoot, and one thing more important, that is SPIRIT, "Never give up until you reach the goal."

  That's me. Thank you!

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