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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
山东济南外国语学校 王雪:I'm a high school student...

  This is me

  My name is Wang Xue. I'm a high school student from Jinan foreign language School. My favorite subject is English. A TV show called "Muzzle's story" was my first English teacher. I was only 5 years old then, but completely fascinated by it. And it's really a wonderful feeling when I can express myself freely in another language, which is totally different from my mother tongue. From then on, I was tightly connected with English.

  Honorably, I went to Great Britain on behalf of our school and Jinan City last summer. River Thames, Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, Madam Tussaud...I've only come across with all these names on TV on in books before. But at that time they were just standing there in front of my eyes. It was so marvelous that I'll never forget all my life.

  After these experiences, I found myself grown up a lot. But I think I'm still a gentle and quiet girl, a little bit shy, not like talking very much but reading and thinking quietly. I enjoy playing several piano pieces and swimming when I'm tired of study, because I found them most relaxing and enjoyable.

  In the future, I want to be a CEO like Yanglan. Where there's a will, there's a way. I believe I can make it! This is I.

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