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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
湖南长沙第一中学 熊舟:I'm a vivid, optimistic...

  Hi, my name is Vivica.

  Just as the name suggests, I'm a vivid, optimistic and silly girl.

  My friends value me as an intelligent, humorous and imaginative nut.For that I’d like to say,“Great minds think alike"..I like surfing the net and chatting with my friends. Folk arts from anywhere could easily catch my fancies.

  If I’m in a good mood, I’d play my Er Hu, though I’m not very good at it I do enjoy it.

  I have many dreams, dreaming to study in the United States, dreaming to become a volunteer in the Red Cross, dreaming to travel around the world, and I’ve also been dreaming of getting some recognition and applause on this stage.

  The desire to be carefree and happy are the driving forces throughout my life and I’ve got an appreciation for all the fine and beautiful things in the whole world.

  That’s me, a bit nervous but true.

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