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广东广州第二中学 郝湉:I'm sweet...

  This Is Exactly Who I Am

  Honorable judges、hosts and students:

  Just then, you all had a surprised reaction when you heard my Chinese name "Hao Tian". But will you be more surprised when you learn my English name is Apple? These two names added together means: "Apple is quite sweet", and show the 3 S's in me: Sweet, Special, and Surprising.

  I'm sweet. Because of not only a sweet name and a sweet smile, but also a sweet voice in my school chorus.

  I'm special. Besides a student, I'm also the compere in Radio Guangdong and now making an English program three times a week.

  I'm surprising. As a girl at 16, I have got many interesting experiences:I was allowed to enter the key school twice without the entrance examinations. I went to UK this winter for an amicable visit as the only representative of the middle school students in the whole province. And also, I'm here, in front of you, my dear friends.

  Maybe I'm just a little drop of water, but I'm sure that with your support I can reflect the brightness of the sunshine.

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