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内蒙古包头市昆区第三十五中学 刘祯:This is me...

  This Is Me

  This is me --Liu Zhen, a 14 year old girl lived in Inner Mongolia. Like all Inner Mongolians, I'm kind, liberal and confident. Now, on the stage, I'll introduce my true self to you.

  This is me -- A girl who can always find joy in the intensity of learning, and get good results. As a school student, I have taken part in quite a few national competitions, and gotten several prizes.

  This is me -- A girl who began learning to play the Erhu at the age of 6, began to study English at the age of 9, loves novels and pop music, and can always find a balance between learning and playing.

  This is me -- A girl who has the confidence to compete with so many excellent contestants today. No matter what result I will get, I will enjoy the competition and enjoy myself.

  Thank you!

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