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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
江苏南京外国语学校 张弛:I know a girl...

  I know a girl.She is not only an obedient daughter but a good student as well.But to my surprise,she has also got some very unique characters , such as vehemence and a little bit exaggerate laughters.In addition,she is not afraid of darkness, nor capable of knitting cute objects , but she takes care of her friends just like their elder sister. When I saw her picture show specially designed for her teachers ,I suddenly found out that she also got a sincere heart beneath her vivacious appearance.

  I told her that she might be a good artist in the future.She smiled,telling me that she needed a paintbrush which can praise beauty. Fortunately she has got one that is her heart. But what is more significant is a box of special pigment.These are what we call abundant knowledge, agreeable personality and Attic faith.

  Dear friends,I want to tell you that this girl is now standing on this colorful stage.Yes, this girl is me.

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