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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
湖北武汉外国语学校 崔笑笑:This girl loved reading...

  This girl loved reading herself stories when she was little. She had a dream, to have her own publication.

  She's an ordinary schoolgirl, she played as a guard in her basketball team, she was an MC in all kinds of activities and she was always the active one in class. She enjoyed every minute at school. But late at night, she'd immersed herself into a world of her own, enjoying a time alone telling her story by putting them on paper. People just thought she was just fanatic about writing. But, no, not a book writer!

  People remember the surprising day when they saw her smiling face on the cover of one book in the bookstore.

  It's always easier to say than to do. And this girl is about said and done. When people asked her what made her to turn her dream into reality, she told them, it's the beauty and power of the dream within.

  And this girl is me, this is my book.

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