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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
河北石家庄第十七中学 张博:The boy standing here...

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen:

  The boy standing here is an active and crazy guy named ZhangBo and my friends usually call me Gari. I was born in Shijiazhuang while my father worked in Beijing at that time, so I travelled between the two places very often before I went to school. Possibly because of my growing experience, I've got a bright and cheerful character. My hobbies include sports and music, especially playing table tennis and the guitar, even listening to the Peking Opera.

  At the age of 5, I began to be mad about English when I heard the story of Muzzy on CCTV. It brought me to a totally different and exciting new language world. From that time on, I practice anytime that I can catch the chance and have taken part in many kinds of training and competitions. Gradually, learning English has become the most important part of my daily life and even one of my hobbies.

  Now, I'm making every effort to realize the ideal of entering an institute of foreign languages and to get a brighter and happier future.

  This is me. Thank you for your attention.

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