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北京中加学校 赵玉晶:Sixteen years ago...

  Sixteen years ago, a lucky girl was born in the capital of China, Beijing.

  She has received good education during her growth. She has learnt playing piano, swimming, singing and she likes playing basketball, ping-pong and badminton as well.

  She believes in an old Chinese saying, "reading thousands of books and travelling thousands miles". She likes reading all kinds of books such as history, science, novels, etc.

  When she was 10 years old, she went to the US with her parents. Her footprints covered a great part of the country in two and a half years. She visited Washington DC, New York City, Hawaii, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and Niagara Fall. After coming back to China, she also traveled throughout her motherland: Qingdao, Hainan Island, Lushan, Taishan and Wutai mountains…Just name a few.

  She is working hard on her study in order to be able to serve her motherland better in the future.

  Do you want to meet her? Well, that's me, a 10th grade student from Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada--Zhao yujing, Crystal.

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