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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
浙江杭州外国语学校 张颖心:I am interested in...

  Good morning. I am 张颖心 from senior two Hangzhou Foreign Language School. I am interested in social studies as well as science. Luckily, up till now, I've been able to manage to keep the balance and enjoy learning. Social studies have broadened my mind and science has made it logical. English has led me onto a bridge across different cultures and peoples. And it has made me more expressive. Following is part of the movie Pride & Prejudice I dubbed in an English evening. "Lord bless my soul. Mr. Darcy, who would have believed it! Oh my sweetest Lizzy. What pin money she'll have! Jane is nothing to it, absolutely nothing! Oh such a charming man." In the eyes of my parents, I am a little child with too strong a will. In the eyes of my teachers, I am a diligent student with a cooperative mind. In the eyes of my classmates, I am a helpful friend with a sense of humor. In the eyes of myself, I am a conscientious girl with a golden heart. That is me. Thank you for listening.

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